Category Archives: Crack Addiction

Ohio drug and alcohol rehabilitation services:

The states of Ohio, along with local universities have conducted extensive studies on drug addiction and alcoholism.  The studies found that an increase in drug and alcohol abuse since the end of WWII.  The studies also correlated the time frame with an increase in pharmaceutical advancements.  In other words, prescription drug abuse has largely increased the number of people with drug dependencies.

Ohio Rehabilitation Centers have also aggressively studied alcoholism trends throughout the years.  Because Ohio has been so focused on research, it has led to an increase of treatment options at drug and alcohol treatment centers in Ohio.  Age, ethnicity and genetics have also been studied by various sources throughout Ohio.  This leads to a better understanding of drug addiction and alcoholism as it relates to different groups of people.  One of the ultimate goals of the studies has been to find a more targeted and successful drug and/or alcohol treatment plan for individuals.

Drug addiction and alcoholism, either directly or indirectly affects ¾ of the population of Ohio.  By allotting funds for study, Ohio intends to improve the basic understanding of how to affectively treat drug and alcohol addictions.  Ohio drug and alcohol treatment centers may just offer the most advanced treatment, based on those studies.  If you are a resident of Ohio seeking drug treatment or treatment for alcoholism, you stand a much better chance at success than states which do not conduct as much research.  Drug addiction is best treated if it is prevented all together.  Early intervention can also benefit those who may eventually suffer from alcoholism.  The goal of rehabilitation programs is to prevent future drug addictions and alcoholism, as well as treat those currently suffering from the ailments.  Research is fundamental to treatment, which puts Ohio rehabs ahead of the game.

North Dakota Drug and Alcohol Treatment:

While North Dakota may seem a remote section of the country, it certainly is not immune to drug addiction and alcoholism.  Residents can rest assured there are drug and alcohol treatment centers throughout North Dakota.  The first two weeks of treatment are critical in the recovery process.  Rehabilitation centers are well aware of this fact and work closely to help each individual find and succeed at a treatment option designed especially for them.  Drug addictions, alone or combined with alcoholism are far reaching diseases.  One person’s addiction can lead to the dysfunction of many people.  Treatment centers are staffed with people trained to work with each member of the family to help achieve a healthier lifestyle.

North Dakota has the highest rates in the nation for alcoholism.  An alarming number of those people are ages 12-20.  Binge drinking is also a major problem in North Dakota. It is not limited to the young, however.  Alcoholism is at its highest national rate in North Dakota in all age groups.  Treatment centers in North Dakota have staff trained to know the numbers as well as the culture and conditions of the State.  Drug rehabilitation and alcohol treatment programs have a higher success rate if treatment is sought early.  Treatment facilities offer programs geared toward any age group or culture.  Since alcoholism is so prevalent in North Dakota, if one generation seeks alcohol treatment it often inspires other generations to follow suit.  Once alcoholism is determined to be an issue, it is often discovered that there is a secondary drug addiction as well.  These are all treatable, although it may take more than one try to succeed.  There is not a “one program fits all” solution.  Once individuals learn how much happier they can be with a healthier lifestyle, it often leads to success.

North Carolina Addiction Treatment Centers:

It is estimated that last year, 2.4 million people began using pain relievers. Another 1.5 million began taking tranquilizers.   Most of these were prescribed by a physician.  Although commonly overlooked as a source of drug addiction, it is very real.  North Carolina Rehabilitation centers have seen a marked increase in dependence and addiction to prescription drugs.

While “street drugs” are found in North Carolina Rehab patients, there is a noticeable increase in prescription drug abuse.  Combine this with alcoholism (which is called a dual diagnosis) and you have a raging addiction on your hands.  North Carolina is seeing more and more individuals with addictions to Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, Ativan and Librium. Treatment centers in North Carolina treat each individual based on his or her own addictions.  No treatment is going to work for everyone.  Choosing rehabilitation is the most important move you can make.  You may not have asked for the addiction, but it is up to you to control it.  Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers in North Carolina as well as nationwide work with you to find the best treatment program for you.

Drug addiction and alcoholism are not easy to overcome.  Treatment centers are specifically suited to find a course of action to help you succeed.  Sometimes, there is not one addiction, but several.  While it may be fashionable for celebrities to enter rehab, most ordinary folks find it a bit unsettling.  Rehabilitation center staff is well aware of this and do everything possible to assist you.  Overcoming your alcohol addiction, and/or drug addiction should be top priority in your life.  You cannot and will not be able to lead any resemblance of a normal, healthy lifestyle with an addiction.  Getting your body and mind rid of the offending drug or chemical will produce a much happier individual.

New York and Rehabilitation Services:

No where is drugs, alcohol and crime more prevalent and public than in New York. New York is cracking down on drug abuse and alcoholism in an effort to reduce crime and domestic violence, as well as other social issues.  Rehabilitation centers number in the hundreds to ensure opportunities for drug and alcohol treatment in New York.

Becoming more popular is the use of rehabilitation as a means of diversion within the criminal justice system.  Defendants are often given the opportunity to participate in <b>drug and alcohol treatment centers>/b> rather than face doing jail time.  Everyone knows that jail time does not cure the drug habit or the alcoholism so rehabilitation seems to be the best course of action.

In New York, there is no real prevalence to any drug as far as addiction.  Almost all drugs surface in New York, be it heroin, cocaine, marijuana, ecstasy, inhalants, or meth.  Of course, there are others as well.  Drug dependency along with alcoholism is called dual diagnosis, and can be, but is not necessarily more difficult to treat.  Addiction, once identified and acknowledged CAN be overcome.  Treatment programs in New York as well as nationwide are offering many treatment options to help individuals overcome addiction.

Drug Rehab and alcohol rehab programs try to treat not only the person with the addiction, but all of those involved with that individual.  Addiction affects more than just the addicted.  Many times, loved ones must undergo types of treatment as well.  Treatment centers have many options available, knowing that recovery is not a quick fix.  It is a lasting commitment to a physically and mentally healthier lifestyle.  Admitting the addiction is the first step, followed by detoxification.  Then, and only then, can the longer term treatments for drug and alcohol addictions begin.

New Mexico Rehabilitation Services:

In light of the “Get tough” attitude adopted by law enforcement and the court system, New Mexico drug and alcohol treatment centers are working full force.  Many drug addicted and alcoholic residents are opting for treatment rather than incarceration in the penal system.

There are no shortages of outreach programs designed to encourage those afflicted with drug abuse or alcohol addiction to seek rehabilitation in New Mexico.   New Mexico targets all groups for treatment, including children, gang members, the gay and lesbian communities, and more to ensure that treatment options for drug and alcohol addiction and treatment are specifically geared toward whomever may need them.

Addiction recovery is possible and there are many rehabilitation centers in New Mexico that work with individuals and families to find the best course of treatment.  There are often many different treatment options available, and finding one to individually meet needs is sometimes hard to achieve at first try.  Working closely with a drug treatment center or alcohol rehabilitation facility through trial and error is the best advice for finally achieving success in drug and alcohol treatment.

Preferably, treatment involves the individual with the addiction, as well as his or her family.  Affects of any kind of alcohol or drug abuse vibrates through the entire support system of the individual.  Every one has an emotional investment, and everyone is crucial to achieving success in treatment.

Most common methods of treatment are detoxification, therapy-both inpatient and outpatient, and a variety of community programs.  Drug treatment centers and alcohol rehab work with you until you find the combination of methods that work for you.  Commitment to succeed is extremely important, although, there are times when families will intervene even against the individual’s wishes.  Intervention is becoming much more prominent and accessible.   The more determined the unit is to succeed, the better of the addicted individual is.

New Jersey Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers:

Drug addiction and alcoholism are growing at an alarming rate in New Jersey.  Not only abuse for the more common drugs such as alcohol, and marijuana, but also club drugs, such as ecstasy and inhalants.  Thousands of New Jersey residents go without treatment each year.  Rehabilitation is the only way to overcome an addiction of any kind.

Treatment centers in New Jersey are capable of treating any type of drug and/or alcohol addiction.  The first step is most often detoxification, followed by intensive outpatient or inpatient therapy.  Addiction treatment is seldom a one pronged approach.  Like with any kind of treatment, sometimes it is hit and miss.  It often takes more than one attempt to stop alcohol abuse or drug addiction.  In some cases, the addict does not directly seek help, but family members do.  In cases like these, drug and alcohol intervention is some times warranted.  Death or prison often awaits the addict who does not get treatment.

If you or a loved one need rehabilitation services in New Jersey, there are many treatment facilities and treatment options available.  There must be a strong commitment by everyone involved for the treatment of the alcohol addict and drug addict.  Why some people fall victim to addictions while others do not remains, in part, a mystery.  The addict must be made to realize that while their predisposition to an addiction may be out of their control, they CAN control the addiction.

There are some wonderful treatment facilities in New Jersey at which to seek help.  Drug addiction and alcohol addiction can be overcome, but only if action is taken.  If you need help with drug addiction or alcoholism, do not hesitate to seek it out.  There is a treatment program that will work for you.

Intervention Tips – PART II

So what’s next?

Be willing to let someone else help you.

For one reason or another, it has been difficult for you to confront your loved one, or maybe you have with poor results – these poor results have reinforced that intervention may not work in your case.

This is when you bring someone in – a professional interventionist perhaps.

If you can’t afford a professional to facilitate the process, then I reccomend that you chose someone in your circle of family in friends to take the lead. Someone other than you. Someone they respect and love, but also someone that the addict does not deal with on a regular basis. Someone that has not been manipulated in the past. Someone that can be unbiased.

The message needs to be simple and clear. The group needs to stand united and deliver a clear, unified message. We love you, we support you, but we will not stand by as you continue to kill youself. Seek the treatment we have found for you, or we must burn all bridges. We will not enable you. We will not support your addiction.

Needles to say; this part is hard. Leading up to this announcement however, don’t get into any confict. Stay away from accusations. Speak from your heart. No one, especially addicts, want to hear what they are doing to themselves, and how they need help to save their lives.

Rather, what they need to hear, is how their acitons have hurt you – how their actions have hurt each and every one of you in the circle of family and friends.

Drugs cloud the mind. Logically, and emotionally.

The addict needs to hear the pain that they have caused. They also need to hear that their is hope, their is help.

Having someone act as a buffer between family and addict is important.

In part 3 we will discuss how you choose a good interventionist and also PLAN B – what if the addict chooses that they don’t want treatment.

Intervention Tips – PART I

Intervention Tips – PART I

Intervention Tips is a 3 part article on the destructive nature of addiction, and what can be done about it before it’s too late.
Drug addiction leads to one thing and one thing only – death!

Now this may sound a tad harsh, it’s much easier to accept or ignore the actions of an addict, hoping that one day they will figure it out on their own.

The best advice that I can give you is; NO THEY WON’T!

Unfortunately, an addict needs to hit rock bottom before he or she will ever want help.

It doesn’t have to be this way. If you allow the addict in your life to hit rock bottom, I will guarantee you this. There will be PAIN!

The collateral damaged caused by an addict is serious. It will not only cause him or herself pain, but it will also cause you pain – this I assure you, but it doesn’t have to be this way.

The #1 cause of all serious drug addictions is this – no one in the addict’s life stepped in early enough, and did something about it.

You’ve heard about the snowball effect, well this is it folks. Addiction is a nasty, dirty, mud puddle of a snowball that only picks up steam the longer it rolls on.

To conclude part one of this article, I ask only one thing of you. Check you gut. Don’t let it slide because your fear of pushing your loved one away prevents you from doing so.

Love your loved one enough to say; enough is enough and I’m not going to let you DIE!

Identify the addiction early on, and do something about it.

We’ll talk more in-depth in later articles about what you can do about it, how to handle the situation properly, and how to get your loved one the help they need.

But for now, check your gut and do something about it!


Alberta’s on crack!

Crack abuse has reached epidemic proportions in Alberta, and to top it all off, there are very few good, effective treatment centers to help manage the long demand of substance abusers seeking treatment.

I work as an intake counsellor for a private treatment centre in B.C. We get calls from all over the U.S. and Canada. Families looking to help their sons, daughters, moms, and dads get into treatment. Treatment that will not only give them clean time, but maybe, just maybe a fighting chance.

Most of the calls we get are for Crack, and Meth, but we do get calls for every addiction known to man.

WARNING! Fasten your seat belts, because you are about to be shocked.

Like I said, we get calls from all over the U.S. and Canada. And guess what? 42% of our call volume is coming out of Alberta. 42% folks!

Why? Bottom line is the oil money. I heard a statistic the other day that Alberta is now bigger than Texas when it comes to oil production. This is serious money folks.

So think about it. Oil rig workers, many of them in their early 20’s are getting pay checks between $10,000 and $20,000. They work long hours, weeks on end sometimes without a break, and then when they do get a few days off, what do they want to do? Blow their money!

And what’s the easiest way to blow money. That’s right, with Blow, Crack, Meth, Ecstacy, Mushrooms, Marijuana, and plenty of Booze. They get to live like rock stars for a few days and then get right back at it. Back on the lease, back working on the rig, back making 10K a month. And the cycle continues.

That’s until they hit rock bottom, and they do. When they hit rock bottom, they need treatment, and the only treatment that’s is readily available is the Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission, more commonly known as AADAC.

They get themselves on a waiting list, one that last 3 weeks before they can get a bed. Finally they get themselves into treatment, putter around a bit, spend some time in group therapy, maybe attend a meeting here or there, and 28 days later they think they are magically healed. What a joke!

Come on Alberta, wake up! Use this money wisely. Our Family members are killing themselves with death imbued cocktails of chemicals that do only one thing effectively, and that is kill them.

Alberta needs better treatment to treat the demand. If you get it right the first time, and actually heal these people, we can put them back into the work force and improve our economy with successful productive citizens. Not crack addicted Albertan’s.

Step up Alberta, spend the money, and put up proper treatment facilities, and do it now – before it’s too late!

Connor Allen, Certified Chemical Dependency Counsellor  

Crack Rehab Without Prescriptions


I’m no Doctor, but I do know one thing about crack cocaine, and that is it seriously affects brain chemistry. Period!

Have you ever monitored the patterns of a crack addict? I like to call it the roller-coaster form hell. The highest highs one week, and the lowest lows the next.

In my case, it was my brother. Allan was a great guy – very social, very active, great athlete. Everyone liked him, and his future looked bright. I really looked up to him growing up. It was hard not to. We both grew up in a great family. There was always milk in the fridge, parents at our soccer games, and Sunday night dinners with Grandma.

That was until crack came into the picture.

I remember the first day crack came into my life. I remember distinctly. I got a call on my cell phone. It was Allan, but it sure didn’t sound like him. He sounded very quiet – without life. He went on to tell me that he was being held hostage at gunpoint, unless he paid a dealer $300. I thought he was joking. This was no joke! Of course I went to help, and I gave him the money, but I will never forget the look in his eyes. He was gone. Allan, my brother was gone. Blank stare – no remorse.

That was 6 years ago. You might be wondering why I speak of him in the past-tense, and the reason is not the obvious. He’s not dead. Not physically anyways, but at this point in his life he was dead; emotionally, spiritually, and mentally – he was gone.

For years we put him in and out of drug rehab programs. No success! That’s when the roller coaster from hell began. He would just start to build himself back up again, and then Whamo! Right back at it – right back using crack. He would sell his belongings – things that he took great pride in. I saw him sell his life away, bit by bit – chipping away at his soul.  

I know he had no intention of using, and I know he was sincere when he said that he hated that crap, and it wasn’t a matter of will power, because he has more willpower than any guy I have ever known. So what is it? From all of the studying I did on this subject, and I did much of that. I should have stock in Google for how much time I spent online, searching for the cure to my brother’s illness. I made a discovery! I discovered that it all boils down to brain chemistry. We all have a natural equilibrium of mood altering chemicals in our brain. You may have heard of big words like dopamine, or serotonin. Maybe you’ve heard of endorphins, and or neural pathways. But what does it all mean? What does it mean to my brother? Someone who I love; who’s addicted to crack.  What I found out is that when you use crack, it skyrockets those levels way past normal, and then when he comes down or stops using, it falls well below the natural level, never fully coming back to normal. So guess what. The BRAIN CRAVES CRACK, PERIOD!

Unless you treat the cause of the problem, how can you expect to fix it?Doctors want to prescribe anti-depressents, and prescription drugs. Well in my opinion, most of these drugs are worse than the street drugs that they started with in the first place. I’ve witnessed this first hand. Talk about walking zombies.

So what’s the solution? How about a crack rehab. Yes, a crack rehab! One that actually treats the cause of the problem, one that rebalances brain chemistry – naturally. One that restores damaged liver enzymes, replenishes vitamins, minerals, oils, and amino acids.

I’m talking about a holistic approach, one that analyses neural pathways, and maps the brain – to figure out what’s going on, and then treating them with natural substances. Natural substances that correct these imbalances. Sound like science fiction?

Crack is an epidemic. An epidemic that has pulled itself out of the gutter, out of back alleys and into our homes. Into the homes of teachers, doctors, lawyers, and blue collar workers. It has pulled itself into the homes of families. Families that are loving, caring, and supportive.  

Crack shows no prejudice. Whether you’re black, white, or green, it doesn’t care. It will put YOU into the gutter. So what’s the good news?

There is a solution! I found one. I’m happy to report that Allan is doing much better now. Today he is clean and sober. He has a house, a yellow lab, a good wife, 2 kids, and a solid job. He hasn’t touched crack in 2 years. So what did he do the get better? He found a crack rehab – one that treated the cause of the problem. I REPEAT — ONE THAT TREATED THE CAUSE OF THE PROBLEM!

Remember, in your search for a treatment program, not all rehab treatments are created equal, and they are not all appropriate for every addiction. I’m not here to promote any specific treatment centre. This isn’t propaganda. I just wanted y’all to know that there is help, there is hope, and it doesn’t come in the form of a pill. May you find your help, hope, and happiness. The truth is out there! — Jay Taylor, Calgary Alberta