Do you have a drug problem you just can’t beat? Chances are no matter how strong your will, you won’t beat your problem on your own. No doubt, you never set out trying to be an addict; it was a bunch of little decisions and one thing led to another. That first time you tried drugs, it was probably just a social lubricant, and a party where everyone else was doing it, and you went along to fit in.
Or if your problem is alcohol, it’s easy to see how you could find yourself on a slippery slope to alcoholism. Alcohol is the quintessential social lubricant; it’s hard to have a social life as an adult without adult beverages. Alcohol is ubiquitous. Furthermore, everyone doesn’t have a problem with it. Some people can drink until they barf and then just walk away. Why not you? Well for one thing, there is a genetic component to addiction. For another thing, once you become an addict, drugs or alcohol rewire your brain. No matter how much willpower you posses, you will not beat drug addiction or alcoholism on your own.
If you have a problem with drug addiction or alcoholism, where do you turn for help? Maybe you have been fortunate enough to have someone you care about show you some tough love in the form of a drug intervention or alcohol intervention. Maybe not. Either way, you need to find a treatment program to facilitate your addiction recovery. Chances are, you will need to check into a drug treatment center or alcohol treatment center. This gives you the chance to get away from all the stress, all the temptation of your every day life and look inside yourself and face your problem with the help of others who are overcoming similar problems and expert health professionals.