The states of Ohio, along with local universities have conducted extensive studies on drug addiction and alcoholism. The studies found that an increase in drug and alcohol abuse since the end of WWII. The studies also correlated the time frame with an increase in pharmaceutical advancements. In other words, prescription drug abuse has largely increased the number of people with drug dependencies.
Ohio Rehabilitation Centers have also aggressively studied alcoholism trends throughout the years. Because Ohio has been so focused on research, it has led to an increase of treatment options at drug and alcohol treatment centers in Ohio. Age, ethnicity and genetics have also been studied by various sources throughout Ohio. This leads to a better understanding of drug addiction and alcoholism as it relates to different groups of people. One of the ultimate goals of the studies has been to find a more targeted and successful drug and/or alcohol treatment plan for individuals.
Drug addiction and alcoholism, either directly or indirectly affects ¾ of the population of Ohio. By allotting funds for study, Ohio intends to improve the basic understanding of how to affectively treat drug and alcohol addictions. Ohio drug and alcohol treatment centers may just offer the most advanced treatment, based on those studies. If you are a resident of Ohio seeking drug treatment or treatment for alcoholism, you stand a much better chance at success than states which do not conduct as much research. Drug addiction is best treated if it is prevented all together. Early intervention can also benefit those who may eventually suffer from alcoholism. The goal of rehabilitation programs is to prevent future drug addictions and alcoholism, as well as treat those currently suffering from the ailments. Research is fundamental to treatment, which puts Ohio rehabs ahead of the game.